4 Magical Mantra to Make Everything Happen in Your Life Right

Jennifer Ronaldi
4 min readDec 13, 2021


Hawaii Beach
Hawaii (Photo by Luke McKeown on Unsplash)

Yes, it is called Ho’oponopono. It is the Hawaiian language that means “To make thing right”.

Then, the next question is: What is the “wrong” thing that should be fixed and made right?

It can fix everything to goes wrong in your life. The practice is super simple and consists of only four sentences:

I’m sorry 🙇‍♀️

Forgive me 🕊️

I thank you 🙏

I love you ❤️

Still don’t get it? Yeah, I was confused too at the beginning. How can this super-short word have strong power and the ability to make things right?

There is the popular belief in the capitalist dominance era that only money can make things right. It can shut all the problems, pay all the bills, and life will be as beautiful as in heaven. But, it actually only leads to another problem when using money as the means to make things right. People for sure will be coming to you like ants who search for sugar. They don’t really care if you are sick, in pain, or suffer as long as you have money. It creates a false connection that will not be long-lasting. What if the money you have doesn’t exist anymore? Will those people stick around you? They probably will say goodbye to you. No money, No talk baby!

This Ho’oponopono is a technique of sincere apology and true forgiveness among the Native Hawaiians when they are facing difficulties and problems. The magic lies in apology and forgiveness. Isn’t it sounds peaceful? Well, not everyone may understand this concept. I’m no angel too. I also do find forgiving is a challenge, especially to the closest one that sometimes hurts the most.

Indigenous healing methods mostly believe that mind, body, and spirit are interconnected. Therefore, in order to remove and clean any type of illness, it is important the heal the spirit and then move forward to the mental/emotional ailment.

Cure Illness Without Meeting the Patient

Illsutration of Hospital Bed
Hospital Illustration (Photo by Adhy Savala on Unsplash)

I discover the Ho’oponopono technique through random Youtube videos that suddenly appears on my videos recommendation. Then I found an interesting story while conducting further research on these amazing practices.

Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len is a therapist at Hawaii State Hospital handling a criminally insane ward. The “insane” part of the story is all the patients in that ward were cured without ever seeing Dr. Hew Len. Does Dr. Hew Len possess any kind of supernatural power? NO! He used Ho’oponopono technique of healing and cleansing method. He continuously says “I love you” and “I am sorry” when reviewing his patient file. As the result, the Hawaii State Hospital closed since all the patients are off medication and return back into society.

My response when I hear this story is like a miracle. In today's society, we even book appointments not only one but two, three, four doctors for medication. This technique is even more fascinating than the recent telemedicine technologies. No need for wifi or fancy gadgets, only that ILU and IAS words. (Disclaimer: I am not recommending to don’t meet your doctor)

First Time Experience Trying Ho’oponopono

In order to receive something new, we need to release the old ones. Think of your phone's memory or laptop processor. It’s pretty common sense, isn’t it?

A similar concept is applied when you want to reprogram your mind or create new positive thoughts, you need to remove the existing ones. So, I decided to give Ho’oponopono a try, since I want the cleanse and heal toxicity that is embedded in me. Back to my question earlier:

How can this super-short senteces have strong power and the ability to make things right?

But, let’s just give it a try. Then the next question is how am I supposed to do this Ho’oponopono?

Ok, I check Youtube — our tutorial god —and pick random Ho’oponopono videos. (Tips: I just select based on the highest views)

I pick this 8-minute length video:

Ho’oponopono — The First ranking on Youtube Search (7.5 Million views)

While listening to the video, remember to keep on faithfully chanting the 4 Magical Sentences: I am sorry, Forgive me, I thank you, I love you (P.S: stay relaxed and focus on breathing).

Suddenly, I feel the surge of peace and inner healing inside me (Read: CRY). Yes, I do cry when there is a good or bad occasion, but I know that this crying has a different feeling. The tears of joy and the heavy burden are lifted up. It shows a different perspective on how I feel about myself. I tell these four sentences to other people, but I never tell this to myself. I cry because I am abandoning my inner self for a long time. What an eye-opening experience! Then, I cry for the next 20 minutes and agree that Ho’oponopono is really powerful.

I really recommend you to try Ho’oponopono. I truly understand that the first time will feel really strange. It is like telling “I love you” to nobody. But, we never know until we try, isn’t it?

As a closing statement, I am going to re-write this magic mantra again:

I’m sorry 🙇‍♀️

Forgive me 🕊️

I thank you 🙏

I love you ❤️

Let’s begin to do H’oponopono! Give a clap and hit the follow button if you have tried and share your experience in the comment section. Stay tuned for a more in-depth explanation about H’oponopono.



Jennifer Ronaldi

Writing to gain highest vibration of energy level — and it’s called L-O-V-E | @jenniferonalle